Before the first aid you don't commotion or shiver. Active with your common sense and boldly. Feel your important duty. In first aid, Dont's are importance one than Do's. Don't use cinema's first aids. These are almost lie. Do help, Don't hindrance.
Nowadays, 18 or 23 old persons have been attacked by Heart attack. Symptoms are pain in chest, shoulder, leg, arm, jaw or chin. These pains are happened in left side parts only. Todays Heart attack kills in the first time(Massive attack).
If you have suddenly attack when any persons are not near to you. You have conscious for 2 mins. So do breath slowly and cough strengthly for 2 mins. This will work 40%. That is controlled heart and blood circulation.
In first check the pulse of the patient in left hand below the wrist in left side. If the patient haven't breath and have pulse. Then check the breath. If patient have pulse only, Give air to the patient through the mouth by your mouth. Early to do this, patient's jaw is must be as perpendicular. If the patient haven't pulse and breath, Don't hope to he is dead, patient's brain is worked for 5 mins. Immediately, keep Asprin 150mg or ecosprin 150mg (very cheap) to the patient between the front below lip and tooth.Because if sucks, it works speedly. Suppose you haven't these tablets, give paracetamol, that is equal to 30% to those tablets. And keep your left hand palm in his cetre of the chest as perpendicularly. Then, keep the right hand palm on your left hand. Put right hand fingers between the left hand fingers and fold. Press hardly 60 times per min. When press, count 1001,1002,.... Because it should be maintain in the particular gap. This process will stop, the patient will dead in 5 mins. So do this two members alternatively.(Continuous Chest Compression - CCC).
The patient don't return to the conscious mind, don't stop this. After return to conscious mind, don't lay down in flat surface. Must be sit and lean.
Keep those above tablets everytime. Heart attack is occured mainly by stress. So, be cool everytime and don't angry.
To see how to do CCC
If any persons sink in water , don't contact him face to face. Because they will pull also you to inside the water. Many persons has been doing this wrong act. Pull him leg only. Check the pulse. To release the water from the patient body, Don't press in his stomach. If you press in stomach, drank water can go to the lungs. This very dangerous.
He should be facing down in flat surface. And press in his back(straight to stomach).When doing this process keep the any things like towel, ball, etc., under the stomach. If the water occupied in lungs, press in his back (straight to lungs-just below to shoulders). Don't give water to him. Cover the body by carpet because, due to covered by carpet, body keeps the ordinary temperature. Then carrying the patient to nursing home.
Reason may to this decreased energy in the body. Don't give water. Spray some water in the patient's face. Because, more sensitive veins are located in the face. If he is not return to the conscious state, keep his legs on the chair and body is lay down in the flat surface.(Plough shape).
So, blood is going to brain and he will regain conscious as soon as. Then give energetic food.
Don't give water is important. Because, there was a problem made during any emergency surgery. Surgeries should be doing in empty stomach. Don't shake the patient's body. If the patient have pulse but breath is stopped, immediately give air to his mouth by your mouth. If the blood releases in ear or nose, don't believe as the patient should be not alive. In this cases 80% chance to will rescue the patient. Keep the moisture cloth in between the shoulder and ear. The blood leaks in left ear, moisture cloth should be kept in between left ear and shoulder( like as mobile talking during bike driving). Because, If blood leaks in left ear, the head lean in right side, the blood made clots in brain. Due to using moisture cloth is controlled the air easily enters the blood.
Suppose the patient feel as dizziness and vomit due to attacked in head. The reason of this feeling is a blood clot appeared in his head. In this cases, if the patient was not be treated, he will dead in 3 months. Don't think is ordinary effect.
If the hand is breakdown, bind the hand by moisture cloth between the scales or straight things. Please avoid the surgery during the fraction as for as possible. Because kept plates are made problem after. So, follow the bandage method to fractions.
Pour the water in the patient's body. Don't give water to drink to reduce the latent heat. To reduce the heat, cover the body by using plantain leaves. Make air settings near to the body.
Apply the Silver X ointment in the patient's body. Then carrying to the hospital.
Close the patient's ears and plait the legs; during do this, the patient should be lay down as lean towards one side in the surface. This control the foam to enter the throat.Don't give iron, key or shoes to breath. To control the bites tongue, put a pencil or pen between tooth.
Immediately remove the patient from the current source using like news papers, plastic chair, brooms. If you near to the main switch, switch off that. In some places pull the patient using printed plastic papers like as glow. Because , If the patient in the 3rd floor window, you would pull him, he will injured. So, consider the patient's body hurt during rescue.
If the patient have pulse and haven't breath, give the air to the patient.
To the ordinary hurts, press in injured place using by dry cloth. Don't suck the blood. Apply any substances like clay, cement, headache balms, grease, powder of expired tablets, etc., Apply the Nepasulf or soframycin ointment in injured place.
For stab wounds, don't release the stabbed things. Because more blood will released outside. Bind around the stabbed thing using moisture cloth and don't shake the stabbed thing. Then going to hospital.
Poison is injected to human body by three ways. The poison inject through Skin, Nose, and Mouth.
Poisoned air breath leads to die. In this case, the patient will die in 2 mins.
During the well digging, leaks the poisoned gas. And the workers are going to unconscious stage. To assure gas leak, should be a candle is lower down to inside the well using pulley. After 2 mins pull out the candle, if the light was offed, there was hasn't oxygen.
To rescue them, bind your nose and mouth using moisture cloth and save them. This works upto 15 mins.This moisture cloth worked as a filter. Also other gas leakages follow this method. Important one is keep the cloth with moisture.
Try to vomits the patient. Give salt solution. Don't give soap, tamarind, clay solutions, etc.,
The poison was acid. So give the mixture grains should be powdered and include water called as grain paste. It is acts as base. So this made the equillibrium in stomach. Give the rice paste in the inability stage.
Any insects like centipede, spider and reptiles like snakes, etc., bitten you, you will try to be relax.Don't run and shiver. Most snakes are haven't poison. If you have fear, you heart is pulsed speed. This is more danger than the poison. So be cool. During this time, trembling or commotion will kills.
Clean well the injured place. And tear the bitten place as lengthwise. Then apply the pottassium permanganate(KmNo4)on the bitten place. It is release the poison from the blood. Rope tightly above the bitten place. The bandage is must be bind in the one boned part of the body. One boned parts are Fingers, Upper arms and Thigh. These parts has one bone and round shape. Suppose you bind in the above wrist, the poison will mixed with blood. Because that is not round shaped part.
Bitten by animals : Horse, Dog, Rat, Cat bites leads to rabies. There was no treatment to rabies. How to find rabid dogs? These eyes are in red colour, ugliness and have hydrophobia and lightophobia.
If these bitten you, you will die in 30-50 days, suppose without treatment.
Also for animal bits, Similarly apply the KmNo4 after the tearing and cleaning. Important one is inject the rabies vaccine within two hours. If you grow a dog, inject the rabies vaccine per one year. Don't grow the dogs and cats in the house as for as possible. Because, dog's saliva and hair are very dangerous.
And keep the dog with alive for 15 days. Because, either the dog will die upto 15 days, assured that is rabid dog or the dog will alive, that is normal. The rabid dog's saliva will dried during the bit. So it was dead.
Strong injured in head and high blood release,
Strong injured and high blood release,
Heart attack,
Unconscious state,
Because, these patients are almost going to unconscious state. So his food pipe was closed by epiglottis and wind pipe was opened. So the water will going to lungs.
These instructions are given by Mr. RUPESH KUMAR, Sathya Sai Institute, Chennai, at NSS meetting in Sudharsan Engg. College, Sathiyamangalam, held on 6,July,2014. He is desired to teach these for family members and others. You learned these is not big deal, Teach these to others.
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